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5 Tips to Improve Your Immune System



5 Tips to Improve Your Immune System

An immune system that’s not working up to par can lead to constant colds, allergies, and illnesses of all kinds. If you want to improve your immune system so that you don’t have to suffer through the sniffles year-round, consider following these five tips.

Sleep well

An overlooked but crucial element of your immune system is sleep. When you don’t get enough shut-eye, your body doesn’t have time to heal and reboot, so it makes sense that you would be more susceptible to illness and sickness.

In fact, a lack of sleep can cause your body to produce excess stress hormones that inhibit immune function not exactly what you want! Aim for 7–9 hours per night. You may feel tired at first, but your immune system will thank you later on. And if you really need some help getting better rest, try taking melatonin before bed. Studies suggest that melatonin improves sleep quality by affecting our internal clock.

Avoid processed foods

Processed foods are notorious for their harmful effects on our immune system. When you buy products that have been through multiple levels of processing, you can’t be sure what you’re getting or what ingredients they contain.

In many cases, companies add preservatives and chemicals in an attempt to extend shelf life, but these additives only impair your immune system further. Opt for whole foods instead of foods in their natural state and avoid processed items as much as possible. The better option is out there! It just takes a little bit of research to find it.

Drink plenty of water

If you’re not drinking enough water every day, your immune system is definitely suffering. A few glasses of water a day can make a difference in how quickly you get over colds, flu, and other illnesses. By staying well hydrated, you can also decrease your risk of serious health conditions such as heart disease and kidney stones. Just be sure to keep an eye on the color of your urine; it should be clear or light yellow at all times. Anything darker than that indicates dehydration, so drink up.

We only need seven hours of sleep each night: Most people think they need eight hours or more each night, but while some people do require extra sleep, research has shown that most people really only need seven hours to function properly. Try going to bed earlier for a week and see if you feel more rested when you wake up you may just find yourself falling asleep faster too.

Reduce stress

Being under constant stress is a sure way to weaken your immune system. Take time each day to exercise, play with your pet or have a deep conversation with friends and family. Not only will these activities make you feel better now, but they’ll also increase your chances of staying healthy later in life.

Of course, it helps to eat well, reduce stress by reading a good book, and get adequate sleep practices that all go toward boosting immunity as well. But don’t be afraid to get creative: Painting can relax you and help stimulate brain activity; yoga keeps your muscles limber; dancing is fun, too! Just be sure that whatever you do for relaxation doesn’t become another source of stress by trying too hard or making it about results rather than just enjoying yourself.

Manage negative emotions

Feelings of depression and anxiety, for example, will sap your body’s ability to fight off illness. In fact, scientists have found that stress hormones can suppress immune cells, making you more susceptible to colds and flu. What’s more, high levels of stress can trigger inflammation which may make it easier for infections to take hold in your body.

So even if you haven’t been feeling all that stressed lately, experts recommend using meditation or other relaxation techniques to promote a sense of calm in your life. Not only is a happier outlook likely to improve your mood overall, but it could also pay off when it comes to boosting your immune system.

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