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7 Ways to Relieve Stress Quickly



Ways to Relieve Stress Quickly

A day at the office, an argument with your significant other, or simply having too much to do can all contribute to stress building up in your body and mind. While you could try to ignore it and hope it goes away, there are many effective ways to relieve stress quickly that will help you de-stress naturally, without resorting to sleeping pills or other medications that can have adverse side effects. Here are seven of the most effective ways to relieve stress quickly and easily.

Watch a Funny Clip

Laughing is a great way to relieve stress quickly. When you watch a funny clip, endorphins are released, which in turn release feel-good hormones like dopamine.  Use sites like YouTube or Google to search for clips—there are literally millions of options out there that are hilarious and completely free.

As an added bonus, you may learn something while you’re at it. And if videos aren’t your thing, try listening to music or reading a book instead. In fact, one study found reading can be as effective as exercise at reducing stress and anxiety.

This finding was supported by another study published in Psychosomatic Medicine that discovered positive emotions resulting from interaction with literature had beneficial effects on both physical and mental health. We couldn’t have said it better ourselves.

Laugh with Friends

Laughter is one of our most powerful tools against stress. The next time you’re feeling overwhelmed, call up your friends and have a good laugh with them. You’ll be surprised at how effectively laughter can relieve stress. This technique works especially well if your friends are funnier than you that way you don’t have to do any of the heavy lifting yourself. Just sit back and let them work their magic.

Whitman believes that laughing with friends is such an effective tool against stress that she makes it part of her daily routine.

Listen to Music

Studies show that music can reduce stress, relieve pain, and improve cognitive performance. Research also suggests that listening to classical music may lower blood pressure, boost immune system function, and even increase happiness.

Try out these three methods of listening, Listen to Music Studies show that music can reduce stress, relieve pain, and improve cognitive performance. Research also suggests that listening to classical music may lower blood pressure, boost immune system function, and even increase happiness.


Exercise increases blood flow and oxygen to your brain, which helps you feel refreshed after only a short time. If you’re trying to relieve stress quickly, hit the gym for about 20 minutes that’s enough time for your body temperature to increase and sweat to kick in, but not so long that you tire yourself out. An elevated heart rate also boosts endorphins those feel-good hormones responsible for that euphoric feeling when they rush through your body.

Take a Cold Shower

You’ve probably heard that taking a cold shower will relax you. You might be thinking that standing under freezing-cold water won’t help you relax, but you would be wrong. There are multiple benefits of taking a cold shower, including better sleep and reduced stress levels.

It’s easy enough to do just turn on your cold water full blast and get wet! Make sure not to stay in for too long or else your body could enter shock; however, a quick minute or two can provide great relief.

Go For A Walk

It sounds too simple, but a 10-minute walk can really do wonders for relieving stress. Physical activity helps stimulate blood flow and elevate your heart rate, both of which have been shown to relieve stress. In fact, there’s a psychological phenomenon known as runner’s high that is characterized by elevated mood and decreased anxiety as a result of exercise. So take a walk! You won’t regret it.

Breathe Deeply

Taking a few deep breaths is perhaps one of the most effective ways to relieve stress quickly. If you’re having a stressful day, take five minutes and do some deep breathing exercises. Close your eyes, take in a long breath through your nose, hold it for several seconds, then release it slowly through your mouth. Repeat as necessary. Your body will be better able to deal with whatever is causing you stress after just a few sessions of practicing these techniques.

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