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7 Ways to Reduce Stress



7 Ways to Reduce Stress

Why am I stressed? How can I reduce stress? How do I reduce stress quickly? These are just some of the questions people often ask when they’re overwhelmed and under pressure to perform at work or home and can’t seem to relax, even when they’re trying to have fun and de-stress on vacation. When you get stressed out, it becomes hard to think straight and focus on anything other than how much you’re feeling pressured and what could go wrong if you don’t get it together soon.


When it comes to reducing stress, you can’t control some things in your life—your boss or roommates, for example. But you can control how you handle those circumstances. No matter what’s going on around you, try smiling. A recent study found that people who were forced to smile actually saw their stress levels drop below when they weren’t trying to force a smile. When confronted with stressful situations and negative emotions like anger, fear, anxiety, and even boredom, focus on forcing a smile. You may be surprised at how quickly you start feeling better about an otherwise bad situation. Not sure if you’re really forcing a smile? Look in a mirror. If there are real crinkles near your eyes, then chances are good that you’re not faking it.


Meditation is not only a proven stress reducer but it can also be practiced in any setting, making it one of the most convenient ways to reduce stress quickly. There are several types of meditation you can choose from, each with its own benefits. Just 20 minutes a day is all you need to see results.


Moving your body is a great way to reduce stress. If you’re looking for a surefire way to relieve tension and improve your mood, try cardio. Start by walking around town or at a nearby park, then move up to jogging and jumping rope.

Even if it’s just 15 minutes of running around your neighborhood on most days of the week, it can make all of the difference when it comes to reducing stress. In fact, exercise could be one of the best ways to deal with workplace stress; in an interview conducted by WebMD, more than half of respondents said that physical activity has reduced their job-related stress levels and more than 80% said it has improved their overall quality of life.

I have also found from my experience in sports psychology that some non-competitive forms of exercise are very effective in managing stress as well.

Breathe Deeply

To reduce stress quickly, start by focusing on breathing. Deep breathing or mindful breathing is a great way to ease anxiety and other negative emotions.

There are three ways to breathe deeply.

Alternate nostril deep breaths. Nostril breathing is used in meditation, but you can also use it as a form of stress relief. Breathe in through your left nostril for four counts, hold for four counts, then breathe out through your right nostril for four counts. Reverse order for another round.

Accept Things Can’t Always Be Perfect

When you’re running a business, it’s easy to let perfectionism become your greatest obstacle. Setting yourself up for failure and stress is easy when things don’t go according to plan. To reduce stress, learn how to stop setting yourself up for failure by accepting that things will take longer and be messier than you want them to be at times.

Accepting imperfection in yourself and others can save everyone involved from unnecessary stress. And if you happen to believe no one should ever have to accept imperfection, here’s something: You’re not perfect either.

Avoid Overthinking

Start by making a list of what stresses you out. This is an exercise to help you zero in on where your stress comes from, so don’t stress if you can’t come up with anything right away. Next, rank them based on how much they bother you and how often they occur. Finally, start working on relieving these daily stresses as soon as possible. Start by making a list of what stresses you out.

Make Time for Loved Ones

Relationships are one of our greatest sources of stress but they’re also one of our greatest sources of happiness. As we get busy with life, it’s easy to slip into routine and forget about taking time for loved ones. To reduce stress and enjoy more health benefits, take a moment each day to reflect on your relationships.

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