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5 Tips on How to Become Happiness



How to Become Happiness

How to become happiness in life? Happiness can seem like an elusive goal, but if you are prepared and in the right mindset, it can be achieved. Here are 10 tips on how to become happiness in life

Understand what it means to be happy

you can’t be happy if you don’t understand what it means. If you don’t know what being happy is, chances are that you might not even be close to achieving happiness in your life.

Take some time and really think about what happiness means for you. What does it feel like? When do you experience it? What makes you so happy? Get as specific as possible this way, when you begin feeling down or experiencing an overwhelming emotion, you’ll have a better understanding of how to address these issues before they become problematic.

Once you have a clear sense of what defines happiness for you personally, start looking at ways to incorporate these experiences into your everyday life.

Adopt an attitude of gratitude

If you want to be happy, adopt an attitude of gratitude. It’s one of those self-help buzzwords that has been floating around for decades, but it’s pretty hard to argue with when you’re grateful for what you have and who you are, life is a whole lot more fun.

Besides, there are mountains of research to back up its effectiveness. In fact, taking time out each day just to appreciate what you already have can improve your mental health and make your relationships stronger. Just try writing down three things every night before bed for some days not only will it help instill some sense of appreciation in your daily routine, but if you come up short one day no worries! Just do four things tomorrow instead.

Stop beating yourself up

Nobody is perfect, including you. But beating yourself up over every little thing you do wrong will take a serious toll on your mental health. And guess what? It’s not going to make you any happier, because feeling guilty and anxious about making mistakes doesn’t improve your future performance in any way—and it certainly won’t change how others perceive you.

Instead of being so hard on yourself, learn from your mistakes and keep them in perspective; don’t beat yourself up for them. Easier said than done, we know. But just think how happy you’ll be when you start doing it!

If everyone was always kind to one another: This world would be a much better place if everyone followed one golden rule: If everyone was always kind to one another. Even if someone has upset or hurt us in some way, there are ways we can show kindness toward that person while still working through our issues with them.

Gratitude helps us focus on what we have, not what we don’t have

More often than not, we’re preoccupied with what we don’t have. And while wanting more is a part of life—as long as it doesn’t consume you being overly focused on what you don’t have makes it difficult to appreciate what you do have. In fact, research shows that gratitude can lead to increased feelings of happiness and well-being.

You know how an excited child will say more, more, more!? That’s us adults in a nutshell sometimes too: We focus so much on getting what we want next to that we forget to truly enjoy what we already have right now.

Be present

It’s easy to make happiness a long-term goal to say you want to be happy someday—but there’s no need for that. One of my favorite happiness researchers, Shawn Achor, talks about how we can train ourselves to experience more joy in our everyday lives by being more present.

What does that mean? As Eckhart Tolle said in The Power of Now: Don’t wait until everything is just right. It will never be perfect. There will always be challenges, obstacles, and less-than-perfect conditions. So what?

Get started now. With each step you take, you will grow stronger and stronger, more and more skilled, more and more self-confident, and sure of who you are. Stay focused on what is happening now. This is where your power lies.

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