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5 Ways to Become a Motivate



Ways to Become a Motivate

Observe what motivates others

When it comes to motivating others, it’s very important that you understand what motivates people. In fact, many experts will tell you that understanding what makes your employees happy and what gets them excited is essential for leading a successful team.

After all, wouldn’t you want your own boss to know what drives you as an employee? If not, why would you expect someone else to know how to motivate you? In order to become a great motivator, take time out of each day to sit down with individuals on your team and get their feedback about what inspires them.

That way, when you are setting goals or giving updates in weekly staff meetings, everyone feels like they have been listened to which ultimately leads to higher morale.

Use different types of motivation

There are several different types of motivation. In particular, intrinsic and extrinsic motivation are often discussed in various psychological literature. For example, an activity is intrinsically motivating if an individual engages in it for its own sake; otherwise, it’s extrinsically motivating.

Intrinsic motivations tend to be more long-lasting and lead to greater performance over time. This is because they stem from personal interest or enjoyment things that don’t require any external influences for their fulfillment.

Create routines and habits

One of the best ways to inspire your kids is by being an example. When they see you working out regularly, eating healthy foods, going to bed early, and getting up early in order to work out and accomplish goals, they will naturally be motivated by your actions and want to follow in your footsteps.

Remember everyone knows that kids mirror their parents’ behavior. Give them good habits now so that they will have good habits as adults!

Watch motivational videos

Watching motivational videos is a great way to get fired up for success. If you want help getting motivated, try watching inspiring documentaries or TED talks about people who’ve gone from rags to riches.

These types of videos are truly motivating and will give you just what you need to feel inspired before powering through your daily chores. YouTube has an extensive collection of amazing motivational videos; be sure to check out their motivation and inspiration playlist.

The same goes for Amazon Instant Video; they have an excellent selection of inspirational business movies on demand including Tin Cup, The Social Network, Lean Startup, Glengarry Glen Ross, Moneyball, and more! This series makes it easy to learn how to start a business by using practical examples that really work. You can rent all four films individually or watch them all together in one package.

Reward yourself for hard work

When you are working hard toward your goal, it’s important to reward yourself for all of your hard work. A nice meal out, for example, is an excellent way to celebrate accomplishing one of your goals. That’s not just an important lesson when you’re trying to lose weight; it can apply whenever you feel like you have accomplished something! Recognize your accomplishments and congratulate yourself on a job well done. You deserve it.

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